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Brief  biodata indicating the achievements made in the field  

Gujarati  Language and Literature,  Traditional  Folk music,  Devotional music  and other Folk performing arts.

            Dr. Niranjan Rajyaguru is a prominent scholar in folklore, hagiography, saint-lore of Gujarat. He has authored of numerous works on Hagiography and Saint-lore. He is a collector of folklore, a research scholar, an editor, a journalist and columnist. is an Indian Folklorist and proponent Artist of the Folk Arts. His scholarliness is not limited to research and collection of folklore/saint-lore but he is renowned for his performing skills as well. He knows all the ancient cadences of hymns traditioanlly sung in Gujarat. He is a B-HIGH+ grade Artist in All India Radio.  He is a recognized folk-singer, folktale artist and devotional music artist and folklore expert at Prasar Bharti -Doordarshan.

            Niranjan has sung Hundreds of Gujarati Bhajans and Folksongs, he has a genuine Folk voice without any improvisation very simple and straight singing  In these forty five years Niranjan has travelled on motorcycle over four lac km in Gujarat, visiting more than thousands villages, meeting Folk, Devotional Music artists of performing art genre,

             he has not only taken up research work in the field of traditional arts but   also lends active support to the artists to encourage them to preserve and sustain their arts, popularised folk arts, patronised Folk Artists by promoting them on various mass media sites including TV and Radio,

            He as earned his PhD from Saurashtra University writing a disseration on DasiJivan’s Life and Literature. He started his career as a Lecturer in Arts College of Keshod and later moved to Department of Gujarati Language and Literature, Saurashtra University for a brief period of 7 years before fully devoting himself to research activities in folk and saint-lore along with Bardic literature and Medieval Gujarati literature. He is also a recognized refree for PhD in Saurashtra University.

Since then, he has authored more than 40 books and numerous articles on folklore, bardic literature, saint-lore, hagiography, devotional music, folk music and other folk performing arts. His articles are published in numerous prestigious magazines and journals across India. He has delivered numerous talks on the same subjects at various national-international conferences, seminars, symposiums; not to forget the talks on wider platforms like All India Radio, Door-Darshan, Vividh Bharati and other private channels. He regularly writes weekly columns on saint-lore in Phhulchhab and Mumbai Samachar newspapers entitled ‘Bhajan BhedhaiNyara’ and ‘Alakh no Otalo’ respectively.

            He is associated with various prestigious literary institutes i.e. Gujarat Sahitya Akademi, Sahitya Akademi Delhi, Sangeet NatakAkademi amongst others.

            He has received numerous awards and fellowships for his work in the field of folklore and saint-lore including Dr.Homi Bhabha Scholarship (First Recipient In Gujarat),

            Kaag Award, Jhaverchand Meghani  Lokasahitya Awards and Rashtriya Gaurav Puraskar from Sangeet NatakAkademi, Delhi. He is also the founder and Managing DIrector of Sat Nirvan Foundation near Gondal, Gujarat where there is a library containing 18000 rare books and 700-800 hours of folk-music’s recordings. These recordings and books are available to everyone on his wesite free of cost. He has been helping other folk artists to find a proper platform as well.This foundation preserves such rare folkloric items as well as help the scholars and researchers for their works. This foundation also takes care of rare breed of Gir cows and neighbouring people are availed with milk and buttermilk free of cost. He has been commemorated with post of  Shree shree 1008  Maha Mandaleshwar by Rashtriya  Sanatan Dharma Sabha in 2020. He has visited Kenya, Thailand, U.K. for academic activities. He has uploaded 181 vidoes of folklore/saint-lore/ folk music on his YouTube channel named Niranjan Rajyaguru which has more than 8000 subscribers.

Any other relevant information  _

            Dr. Niranjan Rajyaguru has not only re-searched medieval saint-lore and folklore of Gujarat but also has successfully evoked interest for the same in common public through his performing skills. His significant contribution can be stated as below:

1. Through numerous books and articles, he has significantly enriched the research         tradition within areas of folklore, saint-lore, hymns, folk music, folk arts, history          and medieval literature.

2. His talks on saint-lore of Gujarat, accompanied by his soulful musical rendition of the   same had not only fascinated audiences across the world but his simplistic approach has evoked interest for saint-lore in many young minds.

3. His insights in folklore, especially saint-lore have opened new horizons in thematical   studies of the same which was so far a marginal area within academics.

4. His knowledge in history of saint-lore and hagiography, as reflected often in his             books, articles and talks has helped the tradition to thrive even in the diverse            times of 21st century.

5. His knowledge of various cadences of hymns, peculiar to the region of Saurashtra        (Gujarat, India) is mostly a forgotten art. His talent as a singer has not only kept             this intangible heritage alive but its preservation and distribution by him (through     his website, free of any cost of course) has remained an inspirational and       educational resource for learners/ researchers.

6. The well-maintained library at Sat Nirvan Foundation, Gondal (Gujarat) containing       more than 18000 books is not just a private reservoir but a tangible resource     center for aspiring scholars and researchers. Scholars from across the world      have visited this place to avail these resources and expertise of Dr Niranjan         Rajyaguru for their respective researches in folklore of Gujarat.

7. He also has recorded seven to eight hundreds hours of folk music by travelling across Gujarat which he has not only properly maintained by also passes it to    whomsoever requires it for research purposes without charging a penny.

Impact/Outcome of the work done by the person being nominated *

1. Dr Niranjan Rajyaguru’s Sat Nirvan Foundation Trust is a trusted research centre for    any scholar/researcher/student who is working on any topic of folklore/saint-      lore/hagiography/ medieval literature. His expertise in saint-lore is not limited to      Gujarat but pan-Indian.

2. His authored books, numbering more than 25, and various other articles published in   reputed magazines and journals across India are ready-references for            researchers of the same area. His work ‘Gujarat no SamruddhVangmayaVarso’     is a prescribed textbook in Course of Folklore at Post Graduation Course (M.A.), Department of English and COmparative Literary Studies, Saurashtra University,     Rajkot.

3. His Youtube channel ‘Niranjan Rajyaguru’, which has 181 vidoes of explanatory talks and soulful renditions of Bhajans, remains an inspirational source for learners of            folk music and also a delight for those who just want to listen these Bhajans in          its most original form and cadence.

4. The place where Sat Nirvan Foundation Trust is located, known as Anand Ashram       near Gondal (Gujarat) is a place without any walls and gate! Artists, scholars,        researchers, students and even passer-bys are welcomed warmly at this place   and offered all sorts of help possible by the entire Rajyaguru family. In addition,         there are almost 60 cows of rare Gir breed within the ashram. The milk and     buttermilk is free of cost distributed to the neighbouring 45 families daily.

5. He is the first recipient of Dr Homi Bhabha Scholarship awarded only to the PhD           scholars in 1992 A.D. He was awarded this scholarship for research in folklore            and folk music of Gujarat. He is noticeably the first recipient of this scholarship   from Gujarat for Gujarati Literature.

Sr.No.Award NameYear of Award    Level of AwardAwarding BodyAction
3PADMA SHRI KAVI KAG AWARD2008StateKavi kag trust kagdham morari bapu
4PHULCHHAB AWARD2011StateJanmabhumi Trust Mumbai
6Zaverchand Meghani Award2017StateSaurashtra University Rajkot
7Sanskar Vibhushan Award2017StateSanskar Bharti Gujarat
8Savyasachi Saraswat Award2019StateGujarati Vishwa kosh Trust Ahemdabad
9Dr. Homi Bhabha National Fellowship1992NationalHomi Bhabha Foundation MUMBAI
10National Folk Art.Gaurav Puraskar2019NationalGujarat Lokkala      Foundation, Ahemdabad
11Sangeet Natak Akademi Delhi puraskar2018NationalSangeet Natak Akademi Delhi, Vice President of India.9th April 2022
12Shree Shree 1008 Maha Mandaleshvar2020NationalRashtriy Sanatan Dharm Sabha

Any Other Relevant Information

1.         Lectures delivered to the students of primary levels to colleges and universities    on        the theme             of Unity in Diversity in Indian Saint Literature.

2.         Travelled extensively, delivered  lectures and talks,written articles and published books             for the cause of eradicating differences based on caste,race,religion and           languages in             order to awaken national  consciousness.

3.         Have built a library housing a huge collection of over 18,000 reference books on   Indian   culture,Literature,History and art forms, giving free access to the        researchers   and     scholars  across Gujarat,India and abroad.

4.         Established a Go Samvardhan Gaushala for research,revival and conservation     of Gir   breed of             Cows, where 50 pure breed Gir Cows are taken care of, and products         like cow milk,buttermilk and ghee are distributed free of cost to the          needy people.

5.         Established Sat Nirvan Foundation Trust to carry out research,documentation        and             publication of Sant Sahitya,Folk Literature,Folk Music and Bhakti      Sangeet,Devotional  music. and provide financial aid for education     to bright          students in need and poor patients for Medical Treatment.

6.         Collaboration with various National,Social,Cultural,Literary and Religious   Institutes.

7.         Ex.Member National Sahitya Akademi NewDelhi.Gujarati Language and    Literature       Advisory Board.

8.         Ex.Member The Programme Advisory Committee Prasar Bharati All India Radio    Rajkot.

9.         Ex. Member Gujarati Sahitya Parishad Ahmedabad Central Committee.


11.       Managing Director Saint Literature and Folk-Lore Research Centre Anand Ashram.

A  reasoned   justification           see-    on  youtube      NIRANJAN RAJYAGURU

            Albums of Folksongs, traditional devotional songs and Folktales.  Total recorded traditional songs  1000. Regular Column of Folk Lore, Folk Music & Saint  Literature in  MUMBAI SAMACHAR   & PHOOLCHHAB     A Prominent Gujarati Newspapers.   References:              

          डॉ. निरंजन राज्यगुरु  गुजरात के  जाने माने  कवि, लेखक-साहित्यकार, विवेचक, लोकविद्याविद्, संशोधक, लोक गायक,   प्रसार भारती -रेडियो-दूरदर्शन के  जिवंत प्रसारणों में कला प्रस्तुति  करने वाले  व लाइव कोमेंट्री देने वाले उच्च कोटि के  कलाकार है |  गुजरात के विश्व विद्यालयोंमें विजिटिंग प्रोफ़ेसर  और पीएच.डी. के परीक्षक के तौर पर मान्यता प्राप्त  डॉ.राज्यगुरु द्वारा  मध्यकालीन गुजराती संतसाहित्य, भक्तिसहित्य, लोकसाहित्य के विषय में चालीस  किताबें प्रकाशित  हुई है |

          प्राथमिक-माध्यमिक -उच्च   शिक्षा सौराष्ट्र (गुजरात)के  गोंडल में  लेने के बाद  गुजराती  भाषा-साहित्य और लोकसाहित्य  विषय के साथ  अनुस्नातक (मास्टर ऑफ आर्ट्स) पदवी सौराष्ट्र विश्वविद्यालय राजकोट से १९७८ में प्राप्त की | इसके बाद १९८२ में  मध्यकालीन गुजराती  साहित्य के मूर्धन्य  संत कवि – दासी जीवण के  जीवन-कवन  के  बारे में  अनुसन्धान  करके  पीएचडी पदवी प्राप्त की |  गुजराती भाषाके संतसाहित्य, भक्तिसाहित्य,  लोकसाहित्य, लोकसंगीत,  भक्तिसंगीत, लोकविद्याएं के  विषय में साहित्यिक विवेचना, ऐतिहासिक अन्वेषण, तौलनिक अभ्यास, क्षेत्रकार्य (फिल्ड वर्क), प्रस्तुति  तथा ग्रन्थ प्रकाशन जैसे  बहुविध  क्षेत्र में  उनका  प्रदान है |

          राष्ट्रीय कक्षा की  डॉ. होमी भाभा फ़ेलोशिप गुजरात में – गुजराती भाषा में  डॉ. निरंजन राज्यगुरु को सर्व प्रथम सन १९९२ में  मिली थी | जिसमें  गुजरात के भिन्न भिन्न विभागों से ट्रेडिशनल लोकसंगीत व भक्ति संगीत का  क्षेत्रकार्य (फिल्ड वर्क) करके ७०० घन्टे का  ध्वनि मुद्रांकन किया है , यह एक दस्तावेजी कार्य है |  जो  बिना मूल्य  अपनी  वेबसाइट  के ऊपर उपलब्ध  है  |  इसके  अलावा गुजरात साहित्य अकादेमी फ़ेलोशिप , गुजरात राज्य गौरव पुरस्कार,  कवि काग एवोर्ड , फूलछाब कला साहित्य एवोर्ड,  शिवम एवोर्ड, दासी जीवण एवोर्ड, झवेरचंद मेघाणी एवोर्ड, संस्कार विभूषण सन्मान,चित्रलेखा सन्मान, पू.दयालू बाबु रानपुरा एवोर्ड, मोजदान बापू एवोर्ड,गुजरात लोक कला गौरव पुरस्कार(२०१९),सव्यसाची सारस्वत  एवोर्ड (२०१९), श्री श्री १००८ महामंडलेश्वर (२०२०) जैसे  कई सम्मान  मिले है |

          गुजरात की संस्कृति और  जीवन गंगा को लेकर  उन्होंने कंठ संपदा के  संतसाहित्य, भक्तिसाहित्य, लोकसाहित्य, लोकसंगीत,भक्तिसंगीत, लोकविद्याएं के  विषय में  कार्य  किया  है  |  इनके इस महत्वपूर्ण लेखन व गायन का पर्याप्त आदर और सम्मान भी हुआ है | सन २०१२ में गुजरात की संगीत नाटक अकादेमी ने उन्हें पुरस्कृत कर गौरव पुरस्कार  प्रदान किया | केन्द्रीय संगीत नाटक अकादमी दिल्ही में  भारत के  महामहिम  उपराष्ट्रपति जी   के  हाथों  गुजरात के  लोकसंगीत  क्षेत्र का   संगीत नाटक अकादमी  दिल्ही  राष्ट्रिय लोकसंगीत पुरस्कार एवोर्ड  २०१९   एप्रिल २०२२ में  दिया  गया है |

 श्री  श्री  १००८  महामण्डलेश्वर, ब्रह्मर्षि, गोपाल भूषण, सारस्वत साहित्य  रत्न

डॉ. निरंजन राज्यगुरु (एम.ए.,पीएच.डी)

आनंद आश्रम ,घोघावदर , ता. गोंडल ,जि.राजकोट ३६०३११   मो. 98243 71904


Name: Dr. Niranjan Vallabhabhai Rajyaguru      IMG_6341.JPG

Address: Aanand Ashram Ghoghavadar,

Ta.GONDAL.Dist.RAJKOT 360311                

Mo: 9824371904          DOB: 24-12-1954                        


 Website :

                                  Field :

  Gujarati  Language,  Literature, Education,  Music,  Folk lore,                        Gau Seva & Manav Seva.

Profession: Freelance  Researcher and folk artists

Dr.NIRANJAN A rebel in spirit and a master of experience skills, Eminent Poet, Author Research Scholar, Writer, editor, journalist, columnist, Alert Reader, Critic and Reviewer in Gujarati Magazines from Gujarat, India. is an Indian folklorist and proponent Artist of the Folk Arts. He is a Renowned Folk and Devotional Singer, To day he is a B HIGH plus grade Artist in Radio. Recognized folk-song,folk tale and Devotional Music artist and Folklore expert of Prasar Bharti -Doordarshan.




Mo.098243 71904

SAT NIRVAN FOUNDATION,      Saint  Leterature & Folk- Lore Research  Centre,



Web site :      Email :


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વિશ્વંભરી સ્તુતિ – સમૂહ

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